“Suferi de inimă frântă”, mi-au zisam râs cu horcăieli“sună a titlu de manea”, le-am zisnu au râs, mi-au arătat o pozăȘtiți vazele alea care se crapă pe alocurifără să își piardă esența sau formadar suficient cât să nu mai fie la felniciodată?Așa arăta inima mea,ca o adunătură de șanțuricu direcții nedefinitemodelate stângaci de o daltă…
Category: Poems
Unii oamenii nu sunt niciodata singuri Au mereu cu ei un strop de magie sub camasa scrijelit pe piept cu bisturiuri dirijate de divinitate Il poarta cu ei peste tot de cand se nasc pana uita de el, si stropul ala se agata de haine de buze sau gene de genti sau pantofii preferati si-si…
M-am nascut vorbind o alta limbacu cerul, cu marea si cu muntii;ne adunam in cercuri cand se lasa noapteaeu le tineam pe genunchi si ele ma tineau pe brate cand imi oboseau rasuflarile.Vorbesc limba adancurilor mariia oceanelor nestrabatutea pustiului deserturilora coapselor dezgolite in miez de noaptein miez de ziin miez de mineVorbesc limba trairilor pe…
[inca ceva.]
Sunt o explozie de sensuri unele intelese, altele cu circuit inchis le insir pe franghia timpului le las la uscat le pun intre paginile cartilor pe care le scriu sa-mi aminteasca de mine mai tarziu Sunt o explozie de veacuri adunate intr-o inima stangace, fashionista, care si-a croit o umbra noua veche de 12 ani…
There are stories written on my skin that only children can read There are sparks in my eyes that only children can see glow There are heartbeats in my chest that only children can recognize- Our hearts beat at the same pace, same rhythm, the same celebration, same love, same kindness, the same light spread…
there are days when the wind takes over and I doubt my roots there are days when the peaks I once climbed now seem out of reach and I doubt I’ve ever felt their height under my feet there are days when I don’t recognize the blue of the sky it seems so foreign to…
Part 1. I grew up not knowing who I was I was taught to dim my light and keep it locked in the corner of my heart I was taught to stay quiet and shape me according to their patterns I was taught that I was weak and helpless sometimes not enough, other times too…
I could call it “enthusiasm” but it fills the breaks between my heartbeats So it’s more than that I could call it “joy” but it tastes like non-vegan Nutella topped with regular-milk Nespresso coffee and cigarettes flavor So it’s more than that I could call it “excitement” but it makes my skin ticklish and it…
It is a blessing to have two beating hearts Do you know what a miracle it is to have them replace each other when they get a lil’ tired? It is a blessing to have two beating hearts Do you know how they communicate? It’s an art they are intertwined One asks ‘tic’, the other…
I’ve been living on borrowed time since the day I opened my eyes to a new life I’ve feared letting go of the past for too long now it’s time to close the door it’s time to say goodbye to what I’ve feared the most I’ve been living on borrowed time counting down the days,…